The Center for Innovation in Child Maltreatment Policy, Research, and Training assembles an extraordinary group of researchers and experts from multiple disciplines and across major research universities and organizations who are dedicated to solving the problem of child maltreatment. Together we will advance transdisciplinary science and creative dissemination and training approaches to prevent child maltreatment and promote healthy development for victims of abuse and neglect.
CICM is dedicated to advancing science to prevent child maltreatment and, when prevention is not possible, to effectively intervene to promote healthy outcomes. It is grounded in the idea that research, practice, and training efforts must be related and of equal importance to assure that policy and practice are informed by the latest science.
1. Innovative modeling of complex factors related to child abuse and neglect to advance preventive work
We will apply systems and collaborative transdisciplinary approaches to map out what is known about the complex interactions of risk and protective factors to facilitate new research to address gaps in knowledge.
2. Assure ongoing feedback between the applied world of policy and practice with ongoing research
We will work with community, organizational, and policy-level stakeholders as co-learners to assure research has practical application and to identify real-world concerns that require the development of new or adaptation of existing knowledge.
3. Engage research, policy, and practice stakeholders
We will work on the translation of research into policy and practice as well as the identification of real-world policy and practice issues that require research.
4. Provide innovative education and training opportunities
We will work to build a pipeline of researchers and practitioners prepared to address the complex issue of child maltreatment.